Author(s): V. Anthony Rivers
Edited By V. Anthony Rivers

Purchase: USD $15.00

Type: Book
Language: English
Content:: Non Academic
Source: African World Press
Timeline: The Contemporary Age - From 1789 to 2011
Published: 2019


Christian Erickson is the perfect man: sincere, handsome, intelligent, and passionate. Maiya Hightower has searched for a man like him throughout her entire life. Unfortunately, when she finally finds Christian he is already taken. Maiya reluctantly settles for a close friendship with Christian and the two of them become inseparable. In the midst of turmoil in her personal life, Maiya gives birth to a beautiful daughter, Angelina, but fears that Angelina will make the same mistakes in her life that she did. Thus, she leads Angelina to believe that a man she has never shared one single act of intimacy with is her biological father. She wants Angelina to grow up with high expectations so she places Christian, who is no longer a part of her life, onto a well-deserved pedestal and convinces Angelina that he is the role model that any young man that comes into her life must follow.

Angelina becomes immersed in Christian's world through his words: books, magazine articles, and personal letters written to her mother. Even though she has never met him, she is his daughter by spirit. Maiya continues this farce for sixteen years with the help of her best friend and mother who oppose the situation but both have been drawn into the lies to the point where they can't get out of them. But like all things in life, whatever you do in the dark eventually comes into the light, and Maiya is faced with the consequences of her actions. The only question is will her relationship with her daughter survive. An emotional rollercoaster, Daughter by Spirit will likely move you to tears.

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